Saturday, October 25, 2014

How will we continue to shape history?

I recently came across this link to a wonderful photo museum of some very important instances that have happened in the last fourteen years.

I strongly encourage you to take a look at the photos before continuing reading this post, so you can see what I saw.  Because as I was scrolling down, reading the captions of these immensely emotional photos from the last 14 years, all I could think was “How will people reflect on what we have done?”

Here in the United States, we spend hours of our days for at least 12 years learning about the past.  We sit in a classroom and listen to teachers tell us what happened from the times of Mesopotamia all the way up to the Civil Rights Movement (usually).

And eventually this present will be the past that has to be taught.  And what will they say about us?

What we do is important. The choices we make are important.  And so with every step, I’d like to make a reminder to everyone, including myself, to remember that we are all humans of the 21st century on this planet.  We all matter.

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