Wednesday, September 24, 2014

REVIEW | The Maze Runner (Movie)

This post is all about just simply how the movie was.  For a comparison between the book and the movie, check out my video on my channel here!

Overall, I gave the movie 4 stars simply as a movie.


There was some awesome action throughout most of the movie, and there was good suspense, and a couple jumpy parts but not too much either!

The boys were real! The casting was so good, they were just all normal boys rather than how a lot of Hollywood movies do it with these ridiculously attractive people in their movies like how are you a person that feels real things when you look so perfect?!
            That was happily not the case.  All of the boys seemed the right age as well, they didn’t look like 25 year olds pretending to be 16.

I also REALLY like the casting of the woman in charge of WICKD.  She’s the mom from Easy A and it was really great seeing her play someone who is probably the main antagonist of the series.  She does a good job of playing the sociopathic “its all for a good cause” evil.

The grievers (the monsters in the maze) WERE UGLY things! Which made them really good bad guys I guess lol.


Because of changes they made from the book to the movie, there were quite a few plot holes.  In the beginning a boy comes back from the maze and they realize he’s been “stung” by a griever, so they know he won’t survive.  They send him out into the maze because “he belongs to the maze now.”
            BUT THEN later a main character is stung out in the maze and the boys risk their lives to bring him back to the safety of the glade. WHY WOULD THEY BRING HIM BACK IF ALL THEY’RE GONNA DO IS THROW HIM BACK OUT INTO THE MAZE.

if you’ve read the book and are going well duh they brought him back because that’s part of the original story, yes I know that.  But as far as within the movie only, it didn’t make any sense

The ending also DIDN’T MAKE ANY SENSE in the context of the movie only.

When the boys (and Theresa) make it out of the maze, they come into the control room and everyone in the room is dead on the ground. The place has been destroyed.
After the moment when Gally goes crazy because “he belongs to the glade” (DAFUQ?!) and tries to shoot Thomas but kills Chuck (depressing) the “rebels” who destroyed the room and shot everybody comes to save them.
            But if they are the same people who came and destroyed the science experiment known as WCKD because its evil, how come they didn’t bother to save the boys IN THE MAZE and help them out instead of making them go through the whole ordeal of getting out in order to save them?!

I’ll tell you why: IN THE BOOK they don’t come and destroy WCKD until AFTER the boys have come out of the maze. MAKES A LOT MORE FUCKING SENSE THAT WAY I WOULD SAY.

If you want to hear me rant more about the fucked up changes they made from the book, make sure to check out the video linked at the beginning of this post.  Because although as a movie along I gave it 4 stars, I only give it 1 when looking at it as an adaptation from a book.  Comment down below what your thoughts are! But please make sure to warn for spoilers if you want to post any!

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