Thursday, October 8, 2015

TV REVIEW | American Horror Story: Hotel (S5E1)

So as always American Horror Story has been pumping us up for the season premiere of "Hotel" with sneak peaks, small excerpts, and the introduction credits.

I was so ready for this show to prove itself.


I binge watched Seasons 1 & 2 right before "Coven" premiered and I loved them both so much. They both are amazing seasons!

And then "Coven" happened and I wanted so badly to love it but it was a bit of a let down.  My favorite scenes were the scenes of the past about Kathy Bates' character, and then they stopped doing that and it was just a little lame.

And then "Freak Show" happened and once again I had high hopes for redemption! They were going to do great! That credit introduction is divine.  I was ready to be creeped out!

And it just wasn't that creepy. Did it even have a real plot line? Questionable.

So here I am waiting for "Hotel" wondering if AHS can redeem itself after two (in my opinion) horrible seasons in a row.  But my main issue with the last two seasons was the weird Jessica Lange is singing and is also the same exact character in both and she's not in this season so maybe I have hope for a new plot line. -- literal jumbled thoughts heading into S5E1.

(Spoilers Ahead.)

So I watched episode one of AHS: Hotel.  And we're getting some definite creepy "wtf" moments and then the detective comes into a crime scene and its so cheesy how he notices things I actually rolled my eyes. AND THE DUDE WAS STILL ALIVE UNDER THE GIRL'S DEAD BODY and the police are all just chillin' like what? That whole scene just destroyed the show because I was completely taken out of the story because its not even close to how real life works.

And then this detective just continues to be a shitty actor as he talks to his daughter on FaceTime (I THOUGHT THIS SEASON WAS GOING TO BE SET IN THE PAST. WHY DO THEY HAVE IPHONES) and I continued to roll my eyes.

Then we get Lady GaGa. Her introduction without seeing her face at first was pretty damn cool.  And the not talking the entire time their picking up that couple at the movie and then taking them to their suite. That whole little spot was perfect.  And then they just killed them with their pointy nails AND I LAUGHED.  AHS is NOT supposed to make me LAUGH.

So then I'm thinking well is this season supposed to be campy? with the detective in the crime scene and then this I'm thinking that could be a possibility so at least they're doing it right even if I hate it.

The only part of the entire episode that gave me chills was when we see that the son of the detective went missing at the carousel. That was good.

But then it ends with that weird video game room (and GaGa trying to act) and I'm still upset that this isn't set in the past.  Like MOST of the show feels like this is not present day and then they show us ear buds and a video game room (where all they play is tetris and other 80's games what is happening why)

All I can say is Sarah Paulsen was great and I don't understand why she's doing this show anymore or why they haven't decided to use her as the main character because she's fucking amazing.

Sooooo what did you think of the episode?

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