Friday, May 13, 2016

REVIEW | Ask the Passengers by AS King.

Ask the Passengers by AS King was read 19 of 2016, and I gave it a 4 out of 5 stars!

I really enjoyed listening to the audiobook for this book as I drove to Yallwest a few weekends ago.  I was really in the mood for a contemporary and needed a break from all the fantasy and nonfiction I've been focusing on! This was an excellent choice!

Ask the Passengers focuses on a girl named Astrid Jones, whose family is from New York but have been living in a small town for a few years now.  Astrid's best friend is the most popular girl in school, with the perfect boyfriend, except that's not true at all.  Only Astrid knows that Christina and Justin are actually in relationships with other people... of the same gender.  Its a story full of secrets and closets, as Astrid is also dating a girl from work, and nobody knows.

I personally connected the most with the antagonist of the story, Astrid's mother, and the mother-daughter relationship between them.  Its not that I have this relationship with my mother, not at all! But I nonetheless found it a very realistic expression of a mom who thinks she is open to to nontraditional situations, but overreacts when she has to deal with them.

I did have an issue with how simply everything wrapped up, which I won't go into detail with.  But it just seemed too easy for everyone that was important in the story.

With that being said, I still would highly recommend this book, especially with its LGBTQ aspects! This is the first book I think I've ever read with a lesbian character and I felt that a lot of the situations our characters dealt with were realistic in the ways they played out.

I hope you guys pick this one up! Let me know if you enjoyed the book or why you didn't!

Until next time, 

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