Saturday, October 8, 2016

REVIEW | Saga Volume 6

Saga Volume 6 by Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples was read 35 of 2016! I gave this book a full 5 out of 5 stars, and I do think this is the best volume of this series so far!

If you don't know what Saga is about, it is narrated by the daughter of these two people who are species that are at war with each other and therefore the governments of their people are trying to find them and kill their daughter so the war can continue.  That's about all I got without spoilers, so if you haven't read this volume yet, SEE YA LATER!

So like I said, I think this was my favorite volume of the series so far. I love that we've gotten a few more different character story lines, such as Prince Robot with Marko and the assassin who's having so many struggles, etc.  I absolutely love Marko's mother. She will forever be my favorite.

I also have to say I think this volume might be my favorite because Marko and Alana are separated for most of this volume and my biggest pet peeve of this series is how frequently they fight. It was a breath of fresh air to not have to read their fights every five pages.

I'm also loving seeing Hazel get older and actually have a current role in the story she is also narrating. It was nice to see her make some decisions for herself, like trusting the individual who I gathered was either trans or gender noncomforming.

I can't wait for the next volume! I really am loving the Prince Robot dynamic with Marko and I hope that he stays around.

Thats all I got!
Until next time,

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